Change Air Filters on the 1st of Every Month

The air you breath and live in is important and filtering this air through your home’s cooling and heating systems can improve your health and increase the life of your homes HVAC system (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.)

The top two reasons to use air filters are better air quality and optimum HVAC performance.

Air Quality

Filters minimize the amount of air particles circulating through your home. Particles from dust, dirt, pollen, and microorganisms that lead or cause allergies are reduced through the use of air filters. Ultimately good air quality in your home will lead to potential better health for you and your family, which is especially important for any family member who has adverse reactions to various air borne allergens.

HVAC Performance

Clean air filters help increase the life of your HVAC system. Dirty filters can add strain on the system air handler. This is the part of the system which blows the air (supply air) through the home and sucks the air (return air) out of the home. Dirty or missing filters can increase the amount of air particles inside the system which could then lead to a clogged condensation line. A clogged condensation line could overflow resulting in damage to the surrounding building materials and potentially costly repairs. This leads to another topic you might want to learn more about: HVAC Condensate Overflow Shutoff Switches and Float Switches.

What To Do

Air filters cost less than replacing parts on your HVAC system. In our climate, we recommend making it a habit to replace your filters on the 1st of every month. This scheduled filter change will help you maintain the operating life of your HVAC system and maximize the air quality in your home.

Personally, we purchase filters in lots of 12 from Amazon so we have a one year supply on hand. This practice will help you stay on top of changing the filters and many times filters are not changed simply because they are not readily available. Click Here for a direct link to what we stock up with in our home. Amazon changes the price frequently so just click the link to check out what the current price is and be sure to purchase 12 at a time to ensure your maintenance routine has the supply it needs.

Filtrete Makes a Good Filter:

Results From Poor Filter Maintenance